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By: Renato Zimmermann – Mentor and Consultant in Renewable Energies and Sustainability

Naphthalene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that produces strong and toxic chemicals, keep away from cheap clothes, bugs and traces in clothes closets, closets and drawers. Naphthalene is a petroleum derivative that is an organic compost produced from the decomposition of organic matter over thousands of years in oxygen-free environments.

Oil has never been consumed by modern societies. What are the stories planted in the quadrinhos of Uncle Patinhas and the joy of finding a little bit of oil at home? How many animated designs on textile fabrics do children dream of finding their oil well and extracting something like “black gold”?

Together with the development of two petroleum-based products, we created a pulsating and dynamic society. Novidadesforam emerging from two derivatives and many businesses will emerge and prosper. The oil industry has had its ups and downs, always orchestrated by a small group of famous and ambitious businessmen and governments. Thus a familigated cartel called OPEC- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries was formed.

There was no rise of the “black gold” race, in 1953, President Getúlio Vargas created a state government called PETROBRÁS. At that time, discussions took place at the National Congress and heated speeches divided the parliament between a group in favor of monopoly called “ultranationalists” and another group that was in favor of oil exploration by private initiative, called “surrenderers”.

At a time when media centralized and filtered or was informed to society, the executive speeches were more far-fetched, carefree and romanticized than they were, as we deduce below a 1953 speech by a senator from the ultranationalist wing, KerginaldoCavalcanti (PSP/ RN):

“Brazil needs to be buckled [protected] against the predatory assaults of international capitalism, by Standard Oil and by other exploring trusts, against the possibility of losing the fruits of what God placed is not subsolo to shine more brilliantly on the stars of Cruzeiro do Sul.” Different, right? Nowadays we don't listen to nice speeches like this ease, perhaps romanticism has succumbed to current political pragmatism. Nothing more fair.

Many other speeches are in the archives of the Federal Senate, aka, many antiques that must have the smell of mothballs because they were handwritten or dated before they were digitized.

But life goes on, and the consequences of this option of using fossil fuels for energy generation are not just progress, but also a new lifestyle and a lot of financial abundance. With prosperity we begin to have consumerist habits and a population increase with even greater demand for food and energy. We are not going to mention the wars, the deaths and the tyrannical governments that will use the “black gold” as a source of financing, we are going to concentrate on the question linked to a modern democratized society, and for this reason we are going to trace the issue for this question of pollution.

The first studies on pollution are recent, dating back to 1920, just over 100 years ago. These studies have begun to cause irreversible damage to the environment by human activity and its unbridled consumerism. This polluting effect causes an acceleration of millenniums in the degradation of the planet that in 2024 will suffer with our emission of stove exhaust gases originating from the burning of two fossil fuels, adding to these more ingredients such as the degradation of forests, burning, and lixo production.

Accordingly, our energy matrix urgently needs to change course, with sustainability as its main objective to guarantee that future generations have a habitable planet. Sustainability is not for us, it is for our descendants who will live in the next centuries. So perhaps most of society is still not aware that these actions are needed to save future human life. For us everything was good! We will be able to survive more than a few decades enjoying the joys of a boa and abundant life flooded by fun and distractions.

What social lifestyle are you afraid to see with the Petrobras company and its speech? Let's go get it. First of all, we need to understand that everything is connected and any action of a nation or economic activity ends up affecting our entire planet. Will you notice how our planet is getting smaller? It seems that our ambitions as human beings do not fit in a small space.

And here we see a connection because Petrobras has an unreasonable ambition to be the protagonist of the energy transition, at least this is in the speech of the president of the company, Jean Paul Prates, an oleocrat of the assigned portfolio that does not represent the desires of Brazilian society. His speech is that Petrobras is a “petroleum” company that lives on fuel and gas. As the largest polluting company in Brazil, the company is turning to the coast for a more contemporary vision of being an “energy” company. This oil speech is aimed at the government's cash register that needs to make the Brazilian city a nickel-hunting machine, delivering gasoline to the fuel car and also having a comfortable main receipt source. Ultimately 60% of the value of the liter of fossil fuel is from taxes and orders collected in advance at the refinery. In other words, Petrobrás is in charge of collecting in advance the tax of all the marketing chains and does not place any of the governments.

Who lives under the illusion of the “petróleo é nosso” propaganda that “we are going to make things where we understand” and “long live national sovereignty” is going to contribute to this accelerated degradation of the planet, and does not allow the growth of the electric car market that It is based on clean sources such as the sun, water and winds.

This mothballs are in the bags of not only two local and federal governments, but also two thousand private investors eager for fat dividends from shares in the stock market that finance the degradation of the planet by increasing the balance of their individual bank accounts.

We cannot prove that the president of Petrobras remains in this position for much longer, it would be a shame for Brazil to have a board committed to oleocracy in 2025 in full COP 30, leaving it to account for future generations to pay.

Let us be aware at least that we are wrong and that public policies and incentives to abandon us are fueled by the law. At this moment we do not feel another smell that does not seem like the late and inconvenient speech of the leaders of Petrobrás, and that the change of their president ocorra logo (it's late!) also traces a breeze of orvalho of a beautiful new day of new times. It's time to feel this aroma of a clean and healthy planet.



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