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New World Record for CIGS Solar Cells

New World Record for CIGS Solar Cells
New World Record for CIGS Solar Cells

By Ricardo Honório

Uppsala, Sweden – A significant milestone has been reached in renewable energy technology:

Uppsala University has set a new world record for generating electrical energy using CIGS (copper, indium, gallium and selenium) solar cells. With an impressive efficiency of 23.64%, this achievement was verified by an independent institute and published in the renowned journal Nature Energy.

The Collaboration That Made History

The world record was the result of a collaboration between the company First Solar European Technology Center (formerly known as Evolar) and researchers specializing in solar cells at Uppsala University. This pioneering partnership boosted the development of innovative and efficient technologies.

More efficient Cell Technology
More efficient Cell Technology

The Experts' Opinion

Marika Edoff, Professor of Solar Cell Technology at Uppsala University and leader of the study, commented: “The measurements performed for this solar cell and other recently produced cells are within the margin of error of independent measurement. This assessment will also be used to calibrate our own internal measurement methods.”

Edoff added: “Although it has been a long time since we held the solar cell record, we have often been behind the best results. Of course, there are many relevant aspects to consider, such as the potential for expansion to a large-scale process, where we have always been at the forefront.”

The Future of Solar Energy

Solar cells are growing rapidly around the world. In 2022, solar energy accounted for just over 6% of global electricity, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). With advances like this, the solar industry continues to stand out as a crucial source of clean, sustainable energy.

The best solar modules are increasingly efficient, and the search for innovation continues to drive the sector. Uppsala University, with its new record, reinforces the global commitment to a greener and renewable future.

Note: Efficiency and record data were verified by independent institutes and published in the journal Nature Energy.

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